How do I ensure type safety of the return value of `JSON.parse`?

JSON.parse returns any type:

const obj = JSON.parse('{"a": "b"}')

How do I ensure the return value obj has the expected type?

You can use a type guard, or more safely, use a type extractor:

interface MyType {
  a: string;

function extractMyType(arg: unknown): MyType | null {
  if (
    typeof arg === "object" &&
    arg !== null &&
    "a" in arg &&
    typeof arg.a === "string"
  ) {
    return { a: arg.a };
  return null;

const obj = extractMyType(JSON.parse('{"a": "b"}'));
if (obj === null) {
  throw new Error("Not MyType");
          //^? const obj: MyType

You may think why not just narrow the type after receiving the object returned by JSON.parse. This is because type narrowing right after retrieving the result of parsing often doesn’t work due to a limitation in TypeScript:

interface MyType {
  a: string;

const obj: unknown = JSON.parse('{"a": "b"}');
if (
  typeof obj === "object" &&
  obj !== null &&
  "a" in obj &&
  typeof obj.a === "string"
) {
  //^? const obj: object & Record<"a", unknown>